Grief is Not Equal to “Being Negative”


Grief is NOT equal to "being negative." ⁣

Let me say it again for those spiritual positivity folks in the back, grief is not the same as being negative. ⁣

I have spent a lot of time in spiritual circles and I love many aspects of them. I could be considered very woo-woo by many measures. And I've heard this crap about grief being negative or unspiritual or whatever far too often from spiritual teachers and leaders. ⁣

But this idea that grieving the loss of someone we deeply love is somehow negative or "low vibration" or makes someone "less spiritual" is utterly false. Not only that, it's just plain harmful to those learning to live without their child/partner/parent/sibling/loved one. ⁣

Grief is a natural and normal response to love. It is an expression of love. It is wild and haunting and beautiful and, yes, also uncomfortable and unnerving and scary at times to be with. ⁣

Experiencing and expressing grief doesn't mean we are less. Grief is an overflow of love with no where to land. Honoring our grief process in a society that refuses to look at our pain and our love takes immense courage and bravery. ⁣

Spirituality isn't meant to be about judgment. It's meant to be about love.

Therefore, there is no greater spiritual act than to honor one's grief, an expression of pure and unconditional love that not even the death of a physical body can stop. ⁣

If you identify as a spiritual person yet shame or judge others for their grief process, it may be time to re-evaluate your definition of spirituality and love. ⁣


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